Charles Lazarus opens Children’s Bargain Town, a children’s furniture store in Washington, D.C.
A second store is opened under a new name, Toys”R”Us, with the now iconic backwards “R”.
Geoffrey the Giraffe is introduced along with the famous jingle, “I don’t want to grow up. I’m a Toys”R”Us kid!”
Toys”R”US opens in first international wholly owned store in Canada and licensed operation in Singapore.
A successful expansion into children’s clothing resulted in the opening of the first Babies”R”Us store.
Toysrus.com is launched, becoming one of the fastest growing websites in the toy and baby world.
ace turtle and Flipkart formed a JV that secured the long-term license of Babies“R”Us in India through a strategic partnership with WHP Global, the controlling shareholder of Toys“R”Us.
ace turtle will launch Babies"R"Us in India